Bridging K2 to P1-Comprehension

Bridging K2 to P1-Comprehension

品 牌︰ FBP Fairfield Book Publishers
型 號︰ FPB104
銷售價︰ HK$59.00

This book Bridging Comprehension K2 to Primary 1 has been written to assist the
pre-primary child in a number of ways namely reading and comprehension. There
are 60 Comprehension passages in the book covering topics ranging from daily
living to school to the environment and the weather. These topics are introduced
here to help the child understand a little such topics which he or she is likely to
meet at primary school. Each passage comes with a short exercise that may be
done as a class or group with supervision from a teacher or a parent.
Besides having an educational aim, the book can also be used by parents
or teachers to encourage communication through further discussion of any
important topic presented in any one of the comprehension passages. Talking
about something in English to the students or child, can enhance interest in the
language and be a confi dence booster, albeit over time. Aside from these, such
communication can also help with bonding between teachers and students or
parent and child.
Bridging Comprehension K2 to Primary 1 aff ords the child and the supervising
adult ample opportunities to practise the language. Use it wisely and there can
be no question that the child will not emerge as someone fairly competent in the
language before he even starts primary school.
Have a great time with this workbook!

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