Bridging K2 to P1-Composition

Bridging K2 to P1-Composition

品 牌︰ FBP Fairfield Book Publishers
型 號︰ FPB103
銷售價︰ HK$59.00

This collection of 50 compositions that each comes with a
short, simple exercise, is meant to help kindergarten students
transition from preschool to primary school.
This book is meant to introduce the kindergarten child
to more complicated ideas and words in English. There can
be little doubt that with aid from an adult, the child will
be able to handle this subject more confi dently as he or she
transitions to primary school.
The parent or teacher should assist the child in
understanding and reading. After which, further assistance
should be rendered in the exercise part.
Exercises are varied in format to ensure they do not get
too repetitive and dull. The child is introduced to spelling,
sentence formation, synonyms and antonyms and to simple
tests on comprehension.
Importantly, the children must have fun working with
adults in using this book to add to their knowledge of the
English Language.

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